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declare it. I recently read an article about how speaking kindly to plants can make them thrive. I then saw many comments about how the same is true for humans. As I continued to ponder (and be mind blown because this article just proved that plants have feelings), my heart broke. My heart broke over the fact of how we will speak kindly to plants, and to others yet continually degrade ourselves.  How many times have you found yourself commenting on another girls photo or encouraging another guy-- yet don’t have many good things to say about yourself when you look in the mirror? Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could speak kindly to ourselves as kindly as we speak to the next guy?  The bible says “The tongue has the power of life and death…” Proverbs 18:21 NIV-- The words that come out of your mouth can either be full of life or heavy with death. I think if we grasped the power of this truth, our words would be a little lighter and our tones a little gentler.  ...

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