
declare it.

I recently read an article about how speaking kindly to plants can make them thrive. I then saw many comments about how the same is true for humans. As I continued to ponder (and be mind blown because this article just proved that plants have feelings), my heart broke. My heart broke over the fact of how we will speak kindly to plants, and to others yet continually degrade ourselves. 
How many times have you found yourself commenting on another girls photo or encouraging another guy-- yet don’t have many good things to say about yourself when you look in the mirror? Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could speak kindly to ourselves as kindly as we speak to the next guy? 
The bible says “The tongue has the power of life and death…” Proverbs 18:21 NIV--
The words that come out of your mouth can either be full of life or heavy with death. I think if we grasped the power of this truth, our words would be a little lighter and our tones a little gentler. 
As long as I’ve read this piece of scripture, I would read it as a reminder to be kind to others. I never knew that the words I spoke over myself, when no one was around, were significant. Oh, but they are so very significant. It was in my bedroom alone, when I was displeased with what I saw in the mirror.. therefore I told myself I wasn't pretty enough. It was me spending free time on social media, when I realized my friends were hanging out without me.. therefore, I spoke the lies of rejection and received them as truth. It was when a boy left me alone that I felt unlovable.. therefore I had my mind made up that I was never going to be good enough. Maybe the negativity you speak over yourself doesn't just come when you're alone. But satan attacks your thoughts and your mind the most in places of isolation. And no matter what the circumstance looks like for you, we have truth to combat these lies. 
Each one of these statements, (and I could definitely share more), took weight in my heart, because they were heavy with death. BUT there had been words of life proclaimed over me since before I was born. When my mother was pregnant with me, people would come to her belly, and simply declare, “this child will bring you great joy”-- which has proven to be manifested throughout my life. Thinking back to this story that my mother has shared with me, revealed to me the power of declarations. 

If this is true, and the declarations spoken years ago are significant enough to affect me to this day-- then the words of life I proclaim MUST change my thought life today. So, as I returned back to my first love, I allowed His truth to saturate my heart. 
I want you to journey with me today as we renew our minds and allow our thoughts (specifically of ourselves), to honor Jesus. 
**Initially, if you are reading this and believe you will never view yourself as your Creator does, please know that you do, in fact, have the power to demolish strongholds. (2 Corinthians 10:4)**
Identify the negative thoughts that are dominating your mind. 
God cannot heal what we fail to confront. 2 Corinthians 10:5 says, “...take captive every thought to obey Christ”. Whatever has been spoken that comes against the truth- is a lie. Identify those thoughts which pervert your mind, the ones that strip you to vulnerability. Once you have each of them identified, we are able to go to the word of God and discover the truths to combat the lies of the enemy. Scripture was given to us as a significant tool we can use to reveal who He is and unveil the promises He has spoken for us, personally. 2 Timothy 3:16- “all scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” --- this is your weapon, take advantage of this gift. 
Our negative thoughts say: I am not beautiful, I am not loveable, I am not enough. 
The words of our father says: you are a masterpiece, I have loved you with an everlasting love and your weakness is My strength (Ephesians 2:10, Jeremiah 31:3, 2 Corinthians 12:9). 

Romans 12:2, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..” I love that this scripture intentionally says “renewing” rather than “renewed”-- I think Jesus knew we would need a little work and extra grace, He allows us to CONTINUALLY renew our minds. It takes discipline to renew our minds, but our Father is gracious and will honor your consistency. When you consistently speak truths, the lord is renewing your mind. 
I want to challenge you to write out declarations over your life and begin declaring them daily, with power. Let God change the thoughts you think. One day, and it will probably not be tomorrow, but there will be a switch. And I can speak with confidence when I tell you, it is 110% worth it. I believe there is a generation of men and women rising who will be fully convinced of the truth our father has spoken--and who will live redeemed from the lies of the enemy. We know who we are, because we know who our God is. 

You are deeply loved.
You are worthy.
You are set apart
You are full of life.
You are a joy and a treasure.


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