
I was sitting across the table from a mentor in my life when she asked me, “Brooke, how do you steward the blessings of the lord in this current season of your life?”
I didn’t expect this question to be so loaded, but I found myself struggling to muster up the adequate words to prove to my mentor that I am stewarding the blessings in my life well. My mentor during this time of her life was newly married to the man of her dreams, thriving in her workplace and from the outside looking in, she was living her best life. At this point, it looked like her life was filled with a lot more blessings than the average Joe. So, I was curious to know her answer to her question. 
My mentor began to explain what the Lord had been teaching her about living in abundance. I distinctly remember the words she shared with me as she said, “I could be naked, afraid, alone on a desert island... without my husband, family or friends. But still be able to live in an abundance because no matter what blessings I have been given... God and God alone is all I need” 

In my mind, I thought, “well, I am selfish.” 
It was in this moment, when I realized that this was also true for my life. I did not and will never need a single thing except for my Jesus. 
“You let people ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance” Psalm 66:12
I quickly began praying this verse over my life. 
Through every trial, He has brought me to a place of abundance. 
In the midst of heartache, He has brought me to a place of abundance. 
With every breath, He has brought me to a place of abundance. 
Every moment of joy, He has brought me to a place of abundance. 
The circumstances around you may not look like an abundance… but there is power in declaration. 

The simple truth is that The Lord doesn’t owe me a single thing. The cross was MORE than enough. Yet, He is so gracious, and He greatly desires to pour blessings out upon His sons and daughters. 
While I pray Psalm 66:12 over my life, my perspective shifts from one that is concerned with what I am lacking to one that is living in the abundance of what God has blessed me with. 

In a season where I was lacking friendships, I declared I was living in an abundance—needless to say, today I am surrounded by the most life- giving community and have several of the sweetest friends in the world. When my life seems out of control, I thank Him in advance for the place of abundance He has brought me to. Now, I rest in His plan with supernatural peace. 

I am not speaking to you from a place where I have it all together. In fact, quite the opposite. But it is my greatest joy to share the testimony of the work of the lord. The formula is simple! Submit, declare, receive. 
My question for you would be the same I was presented… my friend, how are you stewarding the blessings of the lord in this current season of your life? Are you living in an abundance or are you living overwhelmed by what it is you are lacking? I am confident that today He desires to give you immeasurably more—but it begins with a posture of gratitude for the abundance you are already experiencing. 

Ephesians 3:20; Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us 


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